10 More Things: Episode 3

And the list continues…

21. You will never be able to go to the bank without getting lollipops.

22. Grocery shopping alone will become a luxury and something you treasure if it actually happens.

23. Diaper pails are WORTHLESS!! 

24. You will have more socks than you know what to do with but none of them will match. 

25. The knees in pants are just not made strong enough.

26. There really is a witching hour.

27. Car seats suck. Especially when you need 3 of them in one car.

28. If you find a children’s movie that you like, buy it. Immediately. And avoid all others at all costs!!

29. Ban the words “I want” from the get go.

30. Don’t get rid of your baby stuff until you’re done having babies. By the time you have your next one the best toy you had will be banned by whoever it is that doesn’t want children to have any fun.


View Episode 1: 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids

View Episode 2: 10 More Things I Wish I Knew

This article was originally posted at Jesus Had A Mama.  

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids

By Staci PaceLaundry Never Stops

When I was younger, I dreamed of having 8 children. Then I grew up. Now, I am a wife and a mother of 3 beautiful, amazing children: Reese, my oldest boy, is 9 years old, Ethan is 7 and my spitfire little girl, Maddie, is 4. The parenthood journey is far more exciting, demanding, wonderful, messy, stressful, eye opening, difficult, and fascinating than I ever could have imagined. And, although I am an avid reader and consumed book after book about the parenting adventure as well as seeking out wisdom and advice from those who had gone before me, I certainly feel at times that not nearly enough was said to me regarding some of the day to day activities of running a household with children. So, with the idea in mind that perhaps you might be able to be a bit more prepared for the entirely exhausting life of parenthood, or at least that you might not feel alone in your everyday struggles, here are some things that I’ve learned along the way. 

1.  Everything you own will be colored on.

2.  You will learn very quickly how ugly your speech is because they will parrot it constantly. 

3.  When they get sick you will spend your entire grocery budget on medicine. I’m talking over the counter. (Health insurance, co-pays, prescription medications are a completely different category.)

4.  Sleep is never ever the same. Ever. zzzz…

5.  You will never be able to clean your house once a week. And that’s okay. 

6.  Their homework is your homework

7.  You have to get rid of 90% of their toys every year or you will be overrun. 

8.  The laundry, literally, will never, never, never, never stop.stop.stop.stop.

9.  Cleaning up poop does not end with potty training.

10.   If you have more than one boy it doesn’t matter how many times you wipe the toilet there will always be pee all over it, and you will find yourself longing for the days when the toilet was outside the home. 

This article was originally posted at Jesus Had a Mama.