10 More Things, Episode 5

By Staci Pace

And continues…

41.  Go ahead and get used to saying: “Stop that.” “Don’t do that.” “Put that down.” “Be quiet.” You’ll never stop.
42.  You’ll quickly learn why your mom made some meals over and over again. And then you’ll ask her for the recipes. 
43.  Don’t ever tell your children that they have to pick up their toys or you’ll throw them away. Because the problem is that they don’t want to pick them up in the first place, and they’d rather you do it for them. Not to mention, what will you do tomorrow when they’re bored?
44.  You have to set ground rules with your spouse early on about discipline. Because when a kid is grounded from outside and friends it’s not really punishment for them as much as you. 
45.  At least one of your children will eat their boogers, one will wipe them on everything and one will try to give them to you, but they all will pick them.
46.  No matter how many times you tell them not to they will wipe their hands on their clothes. 
47.  Some areas of your house will always smell like pee no matter how many times you scrub them.
48.  A parent with all girls just won’t understand a parent with all boys and vice versa.
49.  At some point you will wish that you could arrange a marriage for your child, and possibly as early as 12.
50.  Baking with your child is NOT NEARLY as fun as it sounds.

This article was originally posted on Jesus Had A Mama.

Episode 1: 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids

Episode 2: 10 More Things I Wish I Knew

Episode 3: 10 More Things, Episode 3

Episode 4: 10 More Things, Episode 4

Episode 5: 10 More Things, Episode 5

10 More Things I Wish I Knew…

By Staci Pace

Here are 10 more thoughts I’ve had about having children. Can you relate?


11. Spending the day at home with your kids alone is completely different than spending the day at home with the kids AND your spouse.

12.  Bunk beds are from hell. Have you ever changed the sheets on bunk beds??

13. You will clean up more spills than you ever thought possible. FOR.THE.REST.OF.YOUR.LIFE.

14. Independent kids are messy kids. But they can make their own lunch and entertain themselves for hours. You’ll just have to spend hours cleaning up afterward.

15. If they fall asleep in the car, you’ll never want to stop driving, so keep your favorite music handy and enjoy the ride every once in a while.

16. If you want your child to be clean, you’ll have to physically wash them yourself until they’re about 6. And after that, you’ll have to smell them to be sure they actually washed themselves.

17. You have to floss their teeth. Yes, seriously. 

18. You will find remnants of food EVERYWHERE!

19. You will find a new appreciation for hard flooring. Until they fall. And then, for a fleeting moment you’ll wish for carpet.

20. Shoes are worn only to be ruined.


This article was originally posted on Jesus Had A Mama